
SEPTEMBER 13, 2024 | 11:00 am PST

It's the F'ING Catalina Demand 

It's the F'ING Catalina 

Demand Gen shouldn't be lonely. Register for this free 1-hour virtual mixer to meet dozens of other demand practitioners solving the same problems as you every day. You'll leave with new connections, learnings, and fun.

* must have 3+ years of direct demand experience to attend

Check out what last mixer's attendees had to say👇

Ummm... what is a demand mixer?

good question!
  • The Catalina Demand Mixer is a free virtual event for demand marketers looking to connect with other practitioners (people actually doing the work).

  • After registering, you'll be matched with facilitated breakout groups of other marketers solving similar problems, and get to talk shop with them over zoom. All attendees will have 3+ years of direct demand experience.

  • You'll get to learn new tactics that could change your whole marketing machine...
    Meet new friends who can help you get new jobs...

    And have a bunch of fun. All without leaving your house.

    Oh, and we almost forgot to mention, IT'S THE F'ING CATALINA DEMAND MIXER! We'll see you there.


About Us & Why We’re Doing This:

‍👋 Hey, we’re Eric and Brian. We run Demand Collective— a private, vetted community of demand practitioners. We believe that talking to other demand practitioners who are solving the same problems as you is the fastest way to advance your career.

That's why we started Demand Collective, to connect the best demand marketers in the world with each other. So we can all get better together.

Unlike other free slack groups, Demand Collective is private and vetted (all our members are impressive, active demand practitioners, and they pay a membership fee).

This allows us to do lots of fun stuff like: 

- Curated 1:1 introductions (bi-weekly).
- Private community forum to get your questions answered thoughtfully.
- Member masterminds, so members can get their thinking critiqued by our community of experts.
- Group tactical workshops where experts join to share playbooks that are working for them, in detail.

If that sounds interesting, feel free to join!Â